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Westminster Cathedral

Tuesday 9 November 2021


We are pleased to announce that our annual Requiem Mass is back at Westminster Cathedral after a year's break due to the Covid restrictions. Thankfully we were able last year to stream our Mass from the parish church of our Chaplain, Fr. Barry Lomax.

The Mass is to remember and pray for those in the police service who have lost their lives, particularly over the last twelve months.

This years chief celebrant will be the Rt. Rev. Alan Williams SM, the Bishop of Brentwood, who is the Guilds newly appointed link with the Bishops Conference and so it's his first CPG Requiem Mass.

Representatives from police forces around the country will be in attendance along with several force chaplains and CPG members both serving and retired.

The Mass is open to all of our faith, other faiths or of no faith at all as anyone is welcome to recognise the service that has been and continues to be given by our police service.

Following the Mass refreshments will be served in the Cathedral Hall. Details will be in the Order of Service available at the Cathedral.


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